Frequently Asked Questions
When are your live Member events and how long are they?
I am based in the UK and the majority of our live events are held on weekdays and have a UK start time of somewhere between 5pm - 8pm.
Session durations vary. Most of our guest experts spend around 90-120 minutes with us; our Book group gatherings usually last around that amount of time too; our Cuppas (which start at 8pm UK time) generally run for two hours; and Deep Relaxation sessions are usually 45 minutes long.
Is MYM Membership also for middle years women outside of the UK?
Absolutely - you are welcome to join no matter where you live and we have Members across several continents.
How many Members will there be in the Middle Years Monday Membership group?
The Membership community will remain a gentle intimate space. So that everyone continues to feel that they are amongst friends - rather than part of some vast anonymous forum - the MYM Membership community is capped at around 100 Members in total.
What if I can’t make the live sessions?
There is no such thing as falling behind. There’s no obligation to watch or participate in anything that doesn’t interest you or you don’t have time for. This is about you picking and choosing what is helpful and nourishing for you. And if you are someone who is most comfortable quietly soaking up the goodness that happens within the group, rather than being more visibly present, that is absolutely OK too. Recordings of most of our live sessions are available to watch afterwards. Everything we offer as part of your Membership is there for you to dip into whenever and however you wish.
Does Middle Years Monday hold Member events throughout the year?
Every year, we have several weeks during which there are no live events. This is a lovely opportunity for Members to slow down; to dive deeper into one or two of the topics we’ve focused on in MYM and which have particularly captured their imagination; to integrate some of the learning they have experienced in the previous months; or simply to dip into the treasure chest that is the Members’ Library and to catch up with recordings of some of the delicious sessions they’ve missed.
Previously we have taken around a fortnight off at Xmas and a month in the (British) Summer. However, I am currently re-thinking this with a view to spreading our breaks more evenly throughout the year. It is likely that from the end of 2023 this will result in us having a couple of weeks off every season ie. in the Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.
Is Membership only open to women of a certain age?
Our Members are a variety of ages. We are perimenopausal, menopausal and post-menopausal and are mostly spread across our 40s, 50s and 60s. However, if you don’t fall within this age range but you identify as being in your middle years then you are welcome to join us.
Is Middle Years Monday inclusive of non-binary folk and trans women?
Middle Years Monday is women-centred and many of our discussions inevitably focus on the biological and hormonal experience of womanhood and/or the experience of being socialised and raised as female. However, non-binary folk and trans women are welcome to gather with us around our virtual fire.
What if I want to cancel my Membership?
When you join, your initial payment isn’t refundable so please make a mindful purchase. Once you have been a Member for a minimum of 6 months you can cancel your Membership at any point without giving any notice. The exception to this is if you choose to pay for and commit to a year of Membership up front.
I don’t have the budget to become a MYM Member - how can I still benefit from Middle Years Monday?
I’m committed to continuing to share rich content to support women in their middle years and we look forward to carrying on bringing you hope, wisdom and inspiration via Instagram, the MYM newsletter, our Community Events and annual initiatives such as MYM Advent Illuminations.
I’ve noticed on Instagram that Pip sometimes uses expletives - will this kind of language be used within the Membership community?
We never wish to cause offence but I will continue to use the occasional expletive and it’s possible that other Members, the MYM team and MYM guest contributors may choose to do so too.
Will I be able to have individual consultations with any of the MYM team or guest contributors?
No - with the exception of the 1:1 welcomes over Zoom that I offer new Members.
Each of the other teachers who share their wisdom and expertise with our Members do so within the group setting, for the benefit of all Members. However, of course you are free to contact them yourselves, independently of Middle Years Monday if you would like to explore engaging them on a 1:1 basis.