Posts tagged perimenopause
In conversation with sculptor Jo Sweeting

When I arrived at Jo Sweeting’s Brighton home wearing the exact same Toast cardigan as her it seemed likely that we would find at least some common ground during our time together! What I wasn’t expecting was that by the time I left (just the right side of the maximum 4 hours visitor parking allowed in Jo’s street), we would have covered such wide-ranging and intimate ground with the ease and comfort that we did. It turns out that leaving my house and my town and stepping outside of my natural hermit tendency can bring really good things. And I hope that in sharing some of the conversation that passed between Jo and I you too might recognise parts of yourself and feel some of the sense of community that I drove back to Hastings with. Because whether or not we are part of a childless family of two (me) or a mum of three (Jo); whether we have two cats and two dogs (Jo) or none - yet! (me); whether we live in a bustling city (Jo) or a much smaller seaside town (me), the common language and experience of our middle years has potency. I hope you can feel it and that it brings you comfort…

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Becoming reacquainted with sleep

I know I'm not alone in missing my former uncomplicated friendship with my old pal Sleep. I have some good news though - some changes I've made have brought properly newsworthy results. Much of what I'm about to share with you here first appeared in my Instagram Stories several months ago and was incredibly enthusiastically received. But I talk about it today with even more zeal because I've since fallen off the wagon with much of this stuff and the connection between losing these good habits and a return to truly crappy sleep has been undeniable. I've also started experiencing some impressive nocturnal hot flushes in recent weeks which have made night times even more 'interesting'. So I've promised myself that on 1st September I will start taking my own advice again with renewed gusto. I hope you might find a nugget or two here that speaks to you...

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